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  • Chickpeas

    So why all the chatter about sprouted products? Because they’re unbelievably good for you! Organic sprouted grains, legumes and pods that have three times the nutrients of unsprouted seeds, making them the nutrient powerhouse of the legume family.

  • Chickpea & Cheddar Cheese

    Inspired by Rexi, a German Sheppard who’s a beloved member of the ShaSha family, ShaSha developed a dog treat with the passion and quality that’s applied to our SNAP cookie lineups. Digestive and growth capabilities were the prime focus and we did this while incorporating human nutritional profiles.

    Our Dog Treats contain natural ingredients as a non-GMO biological product with no artificial additive, a rich source of fibre, proteins, vitamins and minerals to provided daily balanced requirements.

  • Blueberry Snaps

    Introducing the newest addition to our Snap Cookie family…Blueberry Snaps!

  • Ancient Organic Quinoa

    Convenient and quick to prepare, this naturally clean label line of side dishes or Vegan meals were developed to maximize nutrients, carbohydrates and vegetables in one serving. Sprouting our grains unlocks the full nutrients of the grain, and all of our vegetables are freeze dried, which captures all of their nutritional and flavour values from farm to table. These time saving dishes are great to eat alone, or the perfect side to complete your meal!

  • 13 Grain Ezekiel Bread

    Made to the highest standards without commercial yeast, this bread brings together a unique combination of 8 Organic Sprouted Grains, Legumes and Sourdough to deliver a higher content of protein and other bio-available nutrients.

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