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Crumbled Cocoa Snap Ice Cream Sundae


 3 tbsp vanilla ice cream
 ½ cup crumbled ShaSha Cocoa Snaps
  cup Heavy Cream
 ¾ cup firmly packed brown sugar
 2 oz unsweetened dark chocolate, chopped fine
 2 tbsp unsalted butter
 2 tbsp reduced simple syrup*
 5 ½ tsp Vanilla
  tsp Salt



*For the simple syrup:
Combine ¼ cup white sugar and 1/8 cup water Stir and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to a simmer and put cover on it for 3 minutes to get sugar crystals off the sides of the pan. Uncover and cook until it reaches consistency of honey. Cool syrup and store in a covered container at room temperature. It will keep for about 2 months.

In a small heavy saucepan heat heavy cream and sugar over moderate heat, stirring, until sugar is dissolved. Add chocolate, butter, and syrup and continue to cook, stirring, just until smooth. Bring mixture to a boil over moderate heat and boil 8 minutes. Remove pan from heat and stir in vanilla and salt. Sauce will keep, covered and chilled, for 3 weeks. Let the sauce cool completely before covering (any condensation will make it grainy). Reheat sauce, uncovered, over simmering water in a double boiler. Serve sauce hot over ice cream.


Drizzle a small amount of hot fudge sauce in bottom of your dish. Sprinkle a few chocolate cookie bits and then add a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Repeat layers and finish with more crumbled chocolate cookie bits.

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