What are the Benefits of Cocoa?
Whether you enjoy a warm up of cocoa, a sliver of dark chocolate, our chocolate Snap cookies or our buckwheat snacks with cocoa nibs, a daily dose of cocoa loving will really boost your wellbeing.
Nutritious and Delicious Bio-Bud Sprouted Grains
What’s not to like about sprouts? With three times the nutrients, 100 time the enzymes, 24 times more vitamins, four times the amount of niacin and nearly twice as much vitamin B6 they are the cat’s meow.
5 Ancient Grains to Add to Your Diet Today
The wealth of ancient grains flooding the market can be really confusing; how do you cook them? Are they better or healthier than the grains I am more accustomed to?
6 Amazing Benefits of Sprouted Grains
Who knew that just adding water to your favorite organic grains could unlock so much potential? Sprouted grains are nature’s little miracles as they have almost three times the nutrients of legumes and beans, can help with digestion and weight loss and they are packed with fiber too.
How Sugar Affects your Brain
We’ve all pulled those all-nighters where you’re cramming for an exam or working on that big presentation, and the only thing that gets you through is an endless supply of sweet coffee and gummy bears. Trouble is; the more sugar you consume, the worse you get at remembering new information and coming up with your signature brilliant ideas.
Know your Ancient Grains: Spelt
Health Canada suggests that at least half the grains we consume each day should be whole. Unfortunately, thanks to the prevalence of processed foods, most of us consume processed grains and that results in poor nutrition