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Home / Ancient Grain / Meatless Monday: Bio-Bud Arctic Char Open Cabbage Roll

Meatless Monday: Bio-Bud Arctic Char Open Cabbage Roll


Looking for a hearty summer dinner dish?  This is the perfect recipe to prepare and serve to family and friends on these hot summer evenings. Enjoy!


1. Cabbage leafs dipped in boiling water for 1 min (as many as required)

2. Arctic Char Fish Fillet 4 to 5 oz portions (as many as you require)

3. Sliced tomato (one tomato per serving)

4. Pre blanched ShaSha Bio-Bud of your choice (¼ cup for each portion)

5. Sliced red pepper

6. Sliced onion

7. Butter, Salt, Paprika and Fresh coriander



In a pyrex dish place the blanched cabbage. Add your red pepper ring and place the fish inside the ring. Top the fish with sliced onion and tomato. Add paprika and salt to taste (1/2 tsp). Butter for each portion and add your Bio-Bud bake in 370 pre heated oven for 18 to 20 minutes. Serve with ShaSha Co. Sprouted Brown Rice or Potato side of your choice.

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