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Foods that Fight the Common Cold


With any seasonal changes come the inevitable coughing, sneezing and colds. However, before it gets to this point, there are certain foods we can eat to minimize these cold effects. Take a look at our list of Foods that Fight the Common Cold and stop your cold before it’s even started.

Garlic.  Garlic is a powerful super food mostly used to add flavour to dishes, but also has many health benefits. Filled with allion and allicin compounds, garlic has a direct antiviral effect once consumed can help your immune system run properly.

Beef. Beef contains a high amount of zinc and zinc is essential in the creation of white blood cells that protect our body. Research shows that low levels of zinc, decreases a person’s immune function and response time. Now that the cold weather is here, enjoy a beef stew and say goodbye to your cold symptoms.

Turmeric. This yellow looking powder substance is high in antioxidants and a natural anti-inflammatory. If consumed frequently, this spice is known to release body toxins and minimize the development of colds, coughs and congestion. Next time you enjoy a curry dish, know that the turmeric is boosting your immunity!

Greens. People don’t normally associate dark greens with vitamin C, when in fact they are actually filled with it. Not only does Vitamin C help reduce the chances of you catching a cold, but it also helps minimize its duration. Have a kale salad or add some greens to your next stir-fry to get your vitamin C fill.

Hot Tea. One of the best things to consume when you are feeling stuffed up. Tea has natural bacteria fighting compounds to soothe the throat and relieve congestion. Not to mention, it is crucial that you stay hydrated when feeling unwell – a cup of tea with lemon is a great way to do so.

While catching the common cold at this time of year seems almost inevitable, the key is to build a strong healthy immune system through day to day life. Incorporating foods into your diet that are filled with vitamins and minerals such as our line of naturally fermented breads or our prebiotic & probiotic filled gluten-free snacks, will only contribute to your overall health and wellness giving your body the antibodies to fight away these cold symptoms.

From our ShaSha family to yours we wish you a cold-free fall season!

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