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Bread is Magic*


Did you know that our ShaSha Sourdough is more digestible and nutritious than standard loaves? Here is why..

We bake our bread using our sourdough starter (Mother, Levain, Polish) which is a combination of air born Fungus and Bacteria (Lactobacillus). These compounds work in synergy to produce carbon dioxide as a leavening agent to rise the bread and make acidic acid, lactic acid. This lactic acid has the ability to make the vitamins and minerals in the flour more available to the body by helping neutralize the phytates in flour that would normally interfere with their absorption. The lactic acid is what also assists in creating the complex flavour and notable sour aroma of our sourdough bread.

Every living thing on this blue planet of ours has at least has two things in common; they live off of eating others and second, their need to survive- to be able to multiply and secure it’s existence. However, in the case of sourdough starter, wild bacteria selflessly breaks down the carbohydrate to small bite sizes so the fungus (bacteria) can eat and produce carbon dioxide (among other beneficial substance) without serving the surviving and populating rule. Subsequently, this is what we consider ‘Bread Making Magic‘. We do not know why this only happens in the sourdough starter, and can truly only assume that it is a gift to humankind..

Now you know!

Written by Shasha ‘The Baker Man’
March 2021
Toronto, ON, Canada

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