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Home / General / Back to Basics: Making Bread the Healthy Way

Back to Basics: Making Bread the Healthy Way


If you’ve had to cut bread from your diet then boy, do we have some great news for you. If you choose the right baker, you can enjoy all your favorite breads again! There are a few bakers who are returning to the traditional, slow bread-baking techniques like ShaSha Bread Co.  that promote healthy digestion and don’t subject consumers to the kinds of gluten intolerances and digestive issues processed bread does.

The well-documented health benefits of whole grain foods and the efficacies of fiber in preventing gastro-intestinal diseases has resulted in a pronounced shift in consumer demand as buyers opt increasingly for healthier options. The baked foods and snack market is no exception, and manufacturers are meeting demand by creating healthier snacks that meet recommendations based on whole grain cereals and daily dietary fiber intake.

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ShaSha sourdough breads promote healthy digestion and don’t subject consumers to the kinds of gluten intolerances and digestive issues processed bread does.

Some ways in which manufacturers are changing to meet demand is by using sprouted whole grains as these have higher nutritional values, lower calories and low glycemic levels. Other ingredients enjoying a resurgence are ancient grains such as quinoa and amaranth which boast high fiber content, essential nutrients and ancient grains.

Thanks to low-carb diets and sensitivity to gluten, many consumers have cut bread from their diets, but they don’t have to. When done right, bread can be a healthy, easy to digest source of nutrients and carbohydrates. When it comes to bread, it’s not only the ingredients that matter, but also the manufacturing process.

Most commercial breads are heavily processed because bread needs to be baked and ready for retail in 45 minutes. This doesn’t give the grain the time it needs to release valuable nutrients nor is it time enough to sufficiently break down gluten. Excess gluten often gives consumers digestive difficulties and may result in celiac disease.

bread pic 250x165 1The only way to effectively break down gluten is by employing the sourdough method of baking. This method also allows for the phytic acid in grains to be 90% neutralized so that our digestive systems can effectively process the minerals in grains.

Sourdough baking utilizes an extended fermentation period, but not all sourdough breads are created equal. When the sourdough techniques are combined with an ‘organic, slow & careful’ processes, you can go back to enjoying your daily bread.

Find a baker that takes the time to prepare your bread the traditional way. Read labels to ensure that the right baking techniques and whole-grain ingredients are utilized. If you do choose gluten-free products, don’t be fooled into thinking that these items are healthier. Many gluten-free products have high fat and sugar contents and low nutritional values. Always read your labels and eat food that is organic, healthy and high in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Remember; if your grandma wouldn’t recognize it, it’s probably not real food!

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