Best Prebiotic Foods to Boost Digestion

Best Prebiotic Foods to Boost Digestion

So you’ve probably heard of probiotics;those diminutive little bacterium that live in your tummy and keep you healthy, happy and sane. Well, in order to keep your little belly bugs alive, you have to feed them the good stuff and that’s where prebiotics come in. Prebiotics are insoluble dietary fibers that provides a food source for probiotics and promote healthy intestinal flora.

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6 Incredible Benefits of Probiotics

6 Incredible Benefits of Probiotics

The Human Microbiome Project conducted a study recently which found that the body is made up of more microbes than human cells. That’s right; your body is seething with bacteria, but before you call the germ police, bacteria come in both good and bad varieties and good bacteria (probiotics) are vital to the healthy functioning of our bodies.

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Are Preservatives Bad for your Health?

Are Preservatives Bad for your Health?

“Eat food grandma would recognize” is a tenant that I like to keep in mind when doing my weekly shopping. Trouble is, reading food labels is getting both difficult and disquieting when half the ingredients are unrecognizable and the other half are unpronounceable, especially when it comes to preservatives.

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