Feed your Face: Foods that give you Great Skin

With sales of over $34 Billion annually on skincare in the US alone, you would think our skins would all boast a youthful appearance and an inner glow. But, alas, the reality is far from the beauty ideal espoused by fashion magazines and TV commercials.
So what’s the problem? As with most things in life, it isn’t what’s on the outside that matters. That means all the creams and toners in the world won’t improve your skin as much as a healthy diet which works from the inside out to ensure beautiful skin.

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6 Incredible Benefits of Probiotics

6 Incredible Benefits of Probiotics

The Human Microbiome Project conducted a study recently which found that the body is made up of more microbes than human cells. That’s right; your body is seething with bacteria, but before you call the germ police, bacteria come in both good and bad varieties and good bacteria (probiotics) are vital to the healthy functioning of our bodies.

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Are Preservatives Bad for your Health?

Are Preservatives Bad for your Health?

“Eat food grandma would recognize” is a tenant that I like to keep in mind when doing my weekly shopping. Trouble is, reading food labels is getting both difficult and disquieting when half the ingredients are unrecognizable and the other half are unpronounceable, especially when it comes to preservatives.

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5 Steps to Avoiding Holiday Weight Gain

If you are inclined to gobble gobble over the holiday season, fear not! There are ways to navigate the holiday festivities without packing on the pounds. It’s tough to get through office parties and family get-togethers where delicious snacks and drinks abound, but it can be done with a little planning, determination, and of course a little help from this article!

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Amazing Brain Foods that will make you Smarter

Despite the fact that your brain only accounts for 2% of your body weight, it consumes up to 20% of your daily calorie requirement. If you want your brain to function like a finely-tuned engine, you have to keep it well fed. But what exactly does your brain eat? The brain is a picky eater, but there are foods that help it to function well. This information is of great import if you want to knock it out of the park when you are writing an exam, attending an important class or meeting or giving a presentation.

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