Meatless Monday: Avocado and Bio-Bud Mung Bean Hummus
This wonderful recipe is perfect for lazy summer days on the dock. Packed with vitamins and minerals, the sprouted mung beans add a zesty flavor to an unusual hummus.
This wonderful recipe is perfect for lazy summer days on the dock. Packed with vitamins and minerals, the sprouted mung beans add a zesty flavor to an unusual hummus.
Say no to the tyranny of fish fingers, to the monopoly of happy meals and the lure of French fries. If you are stuck with a fussy eater and don’t want to be the kind of parent that makes their kids sit at the table until they clean their plate, then there are ways to make healthy food a desirable menu item.
Bacteria is bad right? We use antibiotics and hand sanitizer to banish bacteria from our lives and live in sanitary environments in the hopes of staving off illness. But we are just beginning to understand the seminal role that healthy bacteria play in our lives. You see, bacteria is responsible for the proper digestion of our food, for improving our immune systems and, new studies show, even our happiness and mental health.
This wonderful recipe takes a little time, but it produces a delicious bread with very little effort. Simple and healthy, it’s a wonderful bread to compliment any Meatless Monday Meal.
Real artisanal bread takes time, organic ingredients and a whole lot of love. And, when bread is made from natural ingredients, it does go off after a week or so. If your bread doesn’t, you should be asking yourself: “If mold won’t eat it, should I?”
Greenwashing is the practice of using words like ‘natural’ or ‘organic’ on a product to entice buyers even when the products don’t deliver. While the fact that consumers are demanding food that is healthier and contains fewer chemicals is a promising development, studies show that many companies are not telling the whole truth on their labels. This is partly because there aren’t stringent guidelines which companies need to meet in order to use words like ‘natural’ and because the standards that do exist are poorly enforced by the regulatory agencies.
A delicious spring salad packed with vitamins, minerals and fiber thanks to the organic, GMO-free sprouted grains.