ShaSha Co. A Canadian company that supports organic and sustainable farming , processors, educators and supplier chains. We are conscious of our part in the greater world order and here are a few of our local contributions since 1998, starting with our own back yard, Toronto and GTA.

June 27, 2011:

Thank You Shasha for sharing your scrumptious Cocoa Snap Cookies with our SK Graduates and their families!

On behalf of the school and family community of St.Pius X, Thank you for your donation, Kelly Smyth.

February 4, 2011: Dear ShaSha

Our most sincere THANK YOU for the outstanding donation you provided for the 2011 Manulife Walk for Memories. Your contribution helped make the event a smashing success.

The Walk was a great triumph and at last count over $592,000 has been raised…far more than our $500,000 goal. Money raised from this event will go to provide counseling, education and information to individuals and families living with Alzheimer’s and other dementias, and fund research to find the cure.

Enclosed is your thank you certificate. Please display it in a place of pride to show our heartfelt appreciation.

Thank you again for your contribution and we hope that we can count on you again next year.

Warmest regards,
Stephanie Karpman
Special Events Assistant

January 2011: Dear ShaSha Co.

Thanks to you, the Walk for Memories 2011 was an amazing success! With 1,500 walkers, we raised $592,192 – an outstanding achievement! In the next few days I’ll be sending you a certificate acknowledging your generous donation; but until then, here is a picture of your contribution (before it was devoured)! Thank you so much for all your support, and we hope we can count on you again next year!

Cheers, Stephanie

June 02, 2010: Dear Friends,

On behalf of the communities that we serve, thank you very much for supporting Daily Bread Food Bank. This is to acknowledge, with our sincere thanks, your donation made during the months of April and May 2010.
Our research indicates a 15% increase in overall client visits from 2009. With help from socially involved groups and individuals, such as yours, Daily Bread can continue the fight against hunger by providing food and resources to people in need, mobilizing greater support, and creating social change to reduce poverty through research, education and advocacy.
For future donations, kindly contact me at the coordinates below. Thank you for making a difference in our communities.

With best wishes,

L Ciotola
Linda Ciotola
Food Industry Relations Office

May 9, 2010: Dear ShaSha Bread Co.

Another Pro-Am tournament has come and gone. This year was even more fun than last year and I raised more money, almost $7,150 this time. The event raised approximately $2.6 million for Alzheimers research. Gary Leeman was the pro on our team and he was a pleasure to play with and to hang out with after the games. I really appreciated your contribution. All the best and …

Thank you for helping me “Stick it to Alzheimer’s” and related disorders!

Lawrence A.

February 19, 2010:

We at Kew Beach Junior Public School want to thank you so much for your very generous donation for our skating party. The cookies were devoured and really appreciated. Several people asked where they came from and our volunteers and signage told them of your generosity.

The fact that your product is peanut-free, very tasty, and healthier than many other cookies out there impressed everyone.

Thanks again, we truly appreciate your support

February 10, 2010: Dear Shasha

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you…

The Manulife Walk for Memories was a HUGE success. Over 1,000 walkers, friends, families and volunteers came to the event and joined as one to celebrate and honour all those touched by Alzheimer’s.

Over $540,000 was raised, far surpassing our $400,000 goal. The money raised from the event will go to provide counseling, education and information to individuals and families living with Alzheimer’s and fund research to find the cure.

Thank you so much for your generous donation of the cookies which we provided to the walkers at our event. It was so nice to be able to provide the walkers with something sweet to show our appreciation of all of their hard work and support.

Very best wishes

Kendel Lloyd
Special Events Coordinator
Alzheimer Society of Toronto

January 25, 2010: Dear Friend of the Community

On December 16th, 2009 the Toronto Police Service had the pleasure of presenting a cheque to the United Way Toronto for $663,000. Raised solely through the donations of employees and several special events, 2009 has proven to be the most successful fundraising campaign to date.

Your participation in our campaign greatly assisted with our fundraising efforts, and helped us exceed our goals. Because of your generosity and support, the United Way Toronto will be able to work to improve the lives of many in our city. You have helped as we work to build strong partnerships with community leaders, business, labour and government allowing the United Way to target the critical social issues affecting the quality of life in Toronto.

On behalf of the Toronto Police United Way Committee I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your generous contribution to our campaign. Without your donation to our Silent Auction we would have never been able to help the United Way and citizens of Toronto. You have proven that individuals and businesses care about the city, and we are truly grateful that you were able to assist with our fundraising efforts.

Without you, there would be no way!


Sharon Cairns
Special Event Coordinator
Toronto Police Service

January 2010: Dear Mr. Navazesh

On behalf of the George Brown College Foundation I would like to personally thank you for establishing the ShaSha Bread Award. The majority of our students require financial assistance and your donation will directly enhance their ability to earn a college education.

GBC has established a reputation for equipping students with the skills, industry experience and credentials to pursue the careers of their choice. We mould some of the most sought-after young professionals in the world. From nursing to hospitality to design and construction, George Brown graduates play key roles in Ontario’s economy.

If it were not for your thoughtful donation, some of George Brown College’s students may not reach their career goals. Your support will allow our students to meet monetary obligations that put their dreams of finishing their education at risk. Knowing text books, tuition and school supplies are paid for, allow our students to focus on their studies and excel.
Once again, thank you for supporting student success at George Brown College!
Yours truly

Darlene Norris
Executive Director

December 10, 2009: Hi,

We wanted to take this opportunity to wish you a Happy Holiday Season and to let you know that on behalf of Allergy Sense, a donation was made to the Daily Bread Food Bank in your honor – we know the donations will be put to good use, especially this year.

We look forward to continuing to work with you in 2010 as Allergy Sense continues to grow. Stay tuned for our new look and great information in early 2010.

All the best,
Rhonda & Michelle Allergy Sense

October 21, 2009: Dear Mr. Navazesh

Thank you for your support!
On behalf of everyone at Second Harvest and the agencies we serve, I am writing to thank you for the delicious ShaSha Co. snaps you donated to our staff and volunteers. We are incredibly grateful for this gift and for the ongoing donation we receive for our recipient agencies.

Every day, Second Harvest picks up surplus food and delivers it in refrigerated trucks to approximately 250 social service agencies across the Greater Toronto Area. The agencies then prepare the food to feed people in our community who would otherwise go hungry. These agencies include housing services, children’s breakfast programs, drop-in centers and seniors’ programs. Sadly, 40% of the clients our agencies serve are children and youth.

With the help of over 600 food donors like you, Second Harvest provides enough food for more than 15,000 meals a day.

Thank you for your commitment to fighting hunger! We look forward to your continued support.

Melissa Dedicb

October 09, 2009: I hope you are having a good day,

On behave of the National Post and Canwest, I would like to thank you for generous donation of the Cocoa and Ginger Snap Cookies for our Raise-a-Reader event on September 23. Your donation assisted us in raising over $10,000 on Raise-a-Reader morning for literacy program in the GTA.

I have attached a photo of a couple volunteers exchanging you Cocoa Snap cookies for a donation and the front page of our special edition Raise-a-Reader wrap. I can send you a couple copies of the wrap if you would like.

Also, our Publisher, Gordon Fisher, made note of your generous donation at our Raise-a-Reader breakfast and how helpful they were in catching the attention of most as they were passing by.

We truly appreciate your generous donation and we hope that you will consider participating again next year.

If you have any questions or would like any additional information about the event please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best, Jackie Rose
Coordinator, Marketing & Sponsorships

On behalf of the board, staff and members of Gilda’s Club, thank you for your commitment to helping families living with cancer and for your donation for our talent and volunteer gift bags for the 2008 Variety Show.

Your support makes a huge difference to Gilda’s Club members and their families living with the trauma of diagnosis and treatment and then in living their lives fully as survivors on life’s journey. Thanks to your support, we can accept more families in need every day. For them, being in a milieu where one is accepted, able to be with family and friends, able to engage in healing activities, able to meet other survivors and able to secure clinical support is so important to living fully and to healing one’s body, heart and soul.

The Gilda’s Club program has proven its effectiveness. Together with you, we are on the leading edge in solving a critical gap in care for people living with cancer. Together with you, we are pioneering a new model of community-based support that has the potential to transform health care in our society.

Thank you for joining us in our quest and commitment to provide the best practices of social and emotional support to all people living with cancer!

Edita page
Chief development and Marketing office

Daily Bread Food Bank; A non-profit, charitable organization working to eliminate hunger in the greater Toronto area. ShaSha Bread Co. started donating in 1998 and now we supply more than 10,000 pounds of bread each year.

February 10, 2009:

On behalf of the community that we serve, we thank you very much for the generous donation of food to Daily Bread Food Bank. This is to acknowledge, with our sincere thanks, your donation made between November and January.

To give an idea of where your donation goes, let me list the types of agencies Daily Bread provides for; these include neighborhood food banks, homeless shelters and prenatal nutrition programs;190 in total.

Thank you for your generous and kind support in this worthy endeavor.


Linda Ciotola
Development Officer
Food Industry Solicitation

A Matter of Taste
Chefs for UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund) s a non-profit, non-political, international organization, dedicated to ensuring the survival, protection and well-being of the world’s children.

George Brown City College
ShaSha, your accomplishments as an alumni of George Brown Collage make us very proud. As a role model for your fellow graduates and our current student body, we are delighted to share your business achievements as one of our “success stories. Thank you and your colleagues at ShaSha Co. for your very generous commitment in support of the Yes Chef!

Campaign A’Fare to Remember Global Relief Fund Inc.
Global Relief Fund provides emergency assistance to children and families to meet immediate needs in situations of disaster, and to provide long-lasting development assistance such as medical equipment, seeds and farm tools to help communities become self-sufficient.

Dancers for Life
Work to benefit the AIDS Committee of Toronto. The AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT) is a community-based, non-profit charitable organization that provides health promotion, support, education, and advocacy to people living with and affected by HIV/AIDS.

Field to Table
A non-profit, charitable organization that works with communities to improve access to affordable and healthy food from field to table.

Community Centers & Churches
Every year ShaSha Bread Co. donates bread and cookie products to local community centers and churches. To name a few: Thistle town Community Breakfast Club, Lloyd Manor Park Rejuvenation Project, LAMP Community Health Centre, St. Barnabas Church, and the Anglican Church of Canada.

Bereaved Families of Ontario
“Again, I extend my heartfelt gratitude for your generosity and commitment to helping the healing begin for the many bereaved people who access our services.”

Canadian Cancer Society
“On behalf of the Toronto West Relay for Life, we would like to extend our sincerest appreciation to ShaSha Bread Company for your support It is because of dedicated community contributors that the Canadian Cancer Society is able to lead the way in the fight against cancer”

Daily Bread Food Bank
“On behalf of the community that we serve, we thank you for donating to the Daily Bread Food Bank. This is to acknowledge, with our sincere thanks, your latest donation made between Februarys – April 2008 in the value of 13273 lbs.

Dora Mavor Moore Awards
“Thank you to ShaSha Bread Co. for your invaluable generosity to our “After Party” and for supporting Toronto’s dynamic theatre, dance and opera community.”

Gilda’s Club Greater Toronto
“Once again, please accept our heartfelt appreciation for your participation. Your support is a testament to a commitment of caring for the whole person throughout the cancer experience.”

Healthy Moms Connect
“Thank you for supporting the Healthy Moms Connect Health & Wellness Seminar Series. With your help we have touched hundreds and thousands of lives.

Second Harvest
“On behalf of everyone at Second Harvest and the agencies we serve, I am writing to thank ShaSha Bread Co. for your generous food donation. On June 10, 2008 we received approximately 4000 pounds of your delicious and healthy cookies, which is fantastic. The agencies we serve are incredibly grateful for this food.”

Toronto Wildlife Centre’s Wild Ball
“Thank you very much for once again supporting Toronto Wildlife Centre’s Wild Ball! The gingersnaps, cocoa snaps and Lavash were a huge success. We appreciate your kindness.”

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